How To Run For Office Workbook: Voter Outreach


How To Run For Office Workbook: Voter Outreach


Find your supporters and turn them into voters.

The ultimate guide to canvassing your community and winning municipal campaigns.

Are you struggling to turn supporters into voters? Don't worry; we've got you covered!

Our Voter Outreach workbook is the ultimate guide to canvassing your community during your municipal campaign. With easy-to-follow resources, worksheets, and guides, you'll learn everything you need to know about door-knocking, phone banking, text banking, and email lists.

Whether you're a candidate running for office, a volunteer helping with the campaign, or simply looking to understand more about voter outreach, our 30-page workbook has got you covered. You'll find hard-copy and digital resources to keep you organized and learn how to create a perfect-for-you canvassing plan.

Plus, our workbook is totally adaptable to your needs. Print it out, fill it in on your tablet, or use it on your computer - the choice is yours!

Don't let the challenges of canvassing hold you back from achieving your campaign goals. With our Voter Outreach workbook, you'll have everything you need to confidently and successfully engage with your community and turn your supporters into voters.

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And don’t forget to check out our other workbooks in the How To Run For Municipal Office series