How To Run For Office Mini-Workbook: Understand Your Community


How To Run For Office Mini-Workbook: Understand Your Community


Understanding your community is one of the first steps after deciding to run for office. This 14-page workbook will guide you step by step through all of the things that you need to know:

  • What are the issues that your community cares about?

  • How can you find that out?

  • How many votes do you need to win?

  • How many people do you need to identify as supporters to win?

  • How can you showcase your leadership and skills so people can see your potential?

This mini-workbook will help you answer all of those questions and more.

This mini-workbook is the second chapter of the HOW TO RUN FOR OFFICE: EXPLORING YOUR RUN workbook bundle.

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Check out the other workbooks in our How To Run For Municipal Office series.