Carole G Anderson

Maman de 3 enfants, Carole s’implique à fond lors de l’ouverture de l’École publique Hélène-Gravel en 2001. Conjointement avec les autres membres du comité de parents, elle organise et participe activement aux maintes levées de fonds afin d'aménager des aires de jeux variées extérieures créant ainsi un espace sain favorisant le développement physique mais également social des enfants. Passionnée par les enfants et l’éducation, la réussite scolaire lui tient à cœur. Ancienne membre du Conseil scolaire au CSPGNO à titre de représentante des parents, Carole possède l’expérience nécessaire pour mener à bien les dossiers prioritaires des deux écoles de sa région: Franco-Nord à Azilda (quartier 4) et Hélène-Gravel (quartier 1) veillant à ce qu’elles bénéficient de conditions optimales pour la réalisation de leur mission éducative.

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Catherine Kiewning

Catherine (she/her/they/them) works in public health, holds a Master's degree, has co-founded the local Pride committee and Young Professionals Network and sits as the Chair of the local Women's Shelter Board. She is a cancer survivor, vegetarian, and lover of the outdoors and audiobooks. She was born and raised in Red Lake, Ontario and has lived in Dryden for the past 10 years. She loves organizing community events, volunteering and supporting local events and businesses.

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Lindsay Koch

Lindsay Koch is a working professional, wife, and mother who jumped into giving back to her community following university through participation in various boards and committees related to economic development and tourism, business development, arts, community service, and social services, in addition to working with various groups on their fundraising efforts. Lindsay is a life-long learner who believes that when you know better, you do better. Relevant strengths include a background in policy and governance, open-mindedness and a willingness to consider other perspectives, the ability to respectfully engage in challenging debates and discussions, and most importantly, the drive to do what it takes to take care of what we have and grow to make us better.

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Judy Kosmerly

Judy is a graduate of Laurentian University (HonBSW'77). She worked for the Provincial Government for 34 years. She led several government initiatives, negotiated and managed agency service contracts, and championed good governance, teamwork and partnerships. Since her retirement, she has sat on the Canadian Mental Health Sudbury and Manitoulin board for 3 years and has been a Rainbow District School Board trustee since 2014. She sits on several committees, including the Parent Involvement Committee, Equity and Inclusive Education, Labour Relations, and Special Education Advisory Committee. She is the board's representative on the provincial public school board association (OPSBA).

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