Lindsay Koch is a councillor in Kenora.
Read moreKelsie Van Belleghem
Kelsie Van Belleghem is a councillor in Kenora.
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Barbara Manson is a councillor in Kenora.
Read moreLindsay Koch
Lindsay Koch is a working professional, wife, and mother who jumped into giving back to her community following university through participation in various boards and committees related to economic development and tourism, business development, arts, community service, and social services, in addition to working with various groups on their fundraising efforts. Lindsay is a life-long learner who believes that when you know better, you do better. Relevant strengths include a background in policy and governance, open-mindedness and a willingness to consider other perspectives, the ability to respectfully engage in challenging debates and discussions, and most importantly, the drive to do what it takes to take care of what we have and grow to make us better.
Read moreBarbara Ann Manson
Barbara (she/her) was born in Keewatin, happily married to a Norman boy for 32 years and raised two sons in Kenora. She worked for the Town of Keewatin for 5 years and the City of Kenora for 25 years, retiring as Parks Supervisor. Her experience within the City (almost all departments), has given her a wealth of knowledge of the inside workings of the City. In any department she worked, she left it in a better position. She has volunteered on Committees, including as the Director, of the Kenora Community Foundation, Common Ground - A Sharing of Stories, Lake of the Woods Historical Society, Kenora Heritage Committee, Business Incentive Commiittee etc. She won Employee of the Year for the City of Kenora (the only year the Chamber presented the award). Her crowning achievement working for the City was co-ordinating the Festival of Lights at the Cemetery — the year she retired, there were 8,000 candles lit on Xmas Eve. She also brought a successful air show to Kenora in 2013, with an attendance of over 8,000 people. She takes pride in all she does.
Read moreKelsie Van Belleghem
Kelsie (she/her) is a personal financial advisor, currently on maternity leave with her second child. She and her husband have two children under two and have been married for almost four years. Her husband was born and raised in Kenora, and she has lived there permanently since the spring of 2017. She is currently the treasurer for the Women’s Shelter Saakate House, and has been a volunteer board member for the Festival of Trees. She has spent the bulk of her career, prior to living in Kenora, in Sales and Merchandising. She is a registered investment fund advisor, and has a visual merchandising diploma from Sheridan College and Business Administration from Red River College.
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