Sara McCleary is the Marketing & Fundraising Coordinator at St. Vincent Place and a reporter and columnist for Sault This Week. She completed an BA in History at Algoma University, an MA in History at Queen's University, and a Business Foundations Certificate at Sault College. Sara volunteers with a number of organizations including Refugee705, La'ad Canada, the Municipal Heritage Committee, and her own nonprofit called We've Got This. She is the proud mother of a five-year-old girl and three-year-old boy, and has been happily married for almost twelve years. Sara is running to be elected councillor of Ward 4 in Sault Ste Marie, ON.
Read moreStacy Wight
Born and raised in Kirkland Lake, Stacy Wight has been involved in her community since high school, currently sitting on the Museum of Northern History Advisory Committee, Teck Centennial Library Board, Ducks Unlimited Planning Committee and volunteer for Tim Horton's Camp Day and Kabaret Charitable Foundation. Stacy's been involved in local politics since the 2014 election and has spent the last 4 years educating herself in all facets municipal governance. Stacy is running for municipal council for Kirkland Lake, ON.
Read moreApril Leblanc
April Leblanc is a North Bay native who loves her community and cares deeply about public education. With over 20 years of finance experience, she brings the necessary business acumen to compliment the board of trustees. A group of trustees should bring a balance of expertise, experiences new and old, and the ability to listen and respect the voice of others. She is a mother and grandmother; through the years she has spent many hours at the kitchen table helping with homework and projects. She has been frustrated with Math curriculum, standardized testing, and costs of school activities. She recognizes that it is extremely difficult to balance work, family life, kid’s sports, and school work. April is running for Trustee of the Near North District School Board.
Read moreDeb McIntosh
As the current Greater Sudbury Ward 9 councillor, Deb McIntosh has demonstrated over the past four years that she works effectively with residents, business and community groups, and all levels of government to get things done. Deb extended the fiscal responsibility and high achievement level she demonstrated during her career in Sudbury as an accountant, community volunteer and Executive Director of Rainbow Routes Association into her work as a councillor. Deb capably demonstrated her ability to identify and troubleshoot critical issues as chair of the Planning and Audit Committees and vice chair of the Finance Committee. A resident of Ward 9 for 25 years, Deb is married to retired music educator Ralph McIntosh. Deb trained to become an accountant but more importantly Deb is by nature a caring mom, grandmother, daughter and friend to many. She also hopes to include a Labrador retriever in her family circle at some point in her future.
Read moreSue Doughty-Smith
Sue Doughty-Smith was born in Southern Ontario and moved to Thunder Bay just before her secondary school years began. After completing high school, she worked as a flight attendant for a small airline in northern Manitoba on scheduled and charter flights to remote communities in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. This was her first experience in understanding what remote and isolated communities went through in their daily lives. She returned to Thunder Bay to attend Confederation College to enter the Developmental Service Worker program where, after graduation, she began a career working at a community agency supporting adults with developmental disabilities in both their homes and work settings. She entered the education field as a Student Support Professional with Lakehead Public Schools where she continued to work for almost forty years supporting students with different exceptionalities at both the elementary and secondary school levels. She was also involved with community partners and other related agencies while supporting students during co op and vocational placements. She was involved for 27 years as a union executive at both the local and provincial levels for the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation, that services members who work in educational settings from JK to post-secondary. Through working with members across Ontario, she has had the opportunity to be part of a team who developed, coordinated and presented professional development opportunities with workshops that included crisis awareness, homophobia, bullying and cyber bullying. Sue is running for School Board Trustee for the Lakehead District School Board.
Read moreCheri Lappage
Cheri is a strong, outspoken and enthusiastic leader, and a passionate advocate for our public schools. With experience in broadcast television news as a former Television News Reporter, in media relations, and now in provincial government program delivery, she is a dynamic voice highlighting today's issues and tomorrow's opportunities. She is the Chair of Hammarskjold High School’s School Council, an active member of the Lakehead Board's Council of School Council Chairs, and was Chair of the Choose Hammarskjold campaign that successfully lobbied the Lakehead Board to reverse their plan to close her local high school. Working in Strategic Communications for the Ontario Government (Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services), she understands provincial legislation, program policy and the decision-making processes of government. Her work has helped her gain an understanding of current issues facing our Indigenous communities, children in the child welfare system, the supports available to families through the Ontario Autism Program, the Ontario’s Special Needs Strategy and mental health supports for students in our schools. Previously, she worked for the Ontario Student Assistance Program helping colleges and universities administer student grants and loans to Ontario students. As a stay-at-home mom, she drove a school bus for several years, gaining an understanding of transportation logistics, financial pressures, and school bus service delivery in urban and rural centers. Cheri is running for school board trustee of Lakehead Public School Board.
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