Municipal election season is in full swing, and that means it's campaign time! Join PoliticsNOW as we dive into the different aspects and tools for local campaigns with our upcoming webinar series.
Topics that we will dive into include:
August 9th: Crafting Your Story
August 16th: Canvassing
August 23rd: Fundraising
August 30th: Using Social Media
In Canvassing, we will be explaining how to take your team out on the road. We will go over how to knock on doors to speak to constituents, as well as basic models to follow to compile your information.
All webinars will be approximately 50 minutes in length with the option for a Q&A at the end. Please register for each webinar individually, so that we can send you the proper link as the event approaches. We can't wait to have you join us! Please sign up below: