How We're Supporting Women In 2022
The Countdown To the Municipal Election Is On
updated: April 2nd 2022
As 2022 comes barrelling towards us, we’re doing everything within our power to shift into gear as the countdown to next October begins.
We have been incredibly hard at work coming up with our game plan for 2022. We wanted to ensure that we offered the same services that worked during the 2018 election, while mixing in some new ones to ensure that we are accessible to as many women as possible. Doing this work across the North brings so many challenges to us — we need to ensure that we reach all the women who are running, while also making sure that our resources are available and adaptable for their unique communities. In 2018, we focused on seminars and “bootcamps” to help equip women to run, and while we’re definitely going to continue offering those, we’ll also be adding some fun new resources to allow women more flexibility and independence in running their campaign.
In 2022, we’re going to do things a little differently.
We will be offering virtual workshops beginning in mid-winter of 2022. You can find what we’re offering when by visiting our Events page.
We wrote the book — literally. We will be offering our first workbooks on our website in early 2022. The first two will be Exploring Your Run and Organizing Your Campaign, which will help you explore what you need to do to run for municipal office as well as give you actionable steps on how to get it done. Get the first one now!
We’re collaborating with other local organizations that help elect women in their communities all over Ontario to share resources and ideas, as well as direct you to theirs so that you’ve got all your bases covered.
We’ll be curating a monthly newsletter for women who are running and political volunteers that will give them the tools that they need to start getting organized as soon as possible. It will include a lot of information from the workbooks, as well as some freebies and resources that we’re working on. You can sign up for that here.
We’re creating free resources and putting them on our website as quickly as we’re making them. Check them out on our Resources & Tools page.
We’ll also be sharing some of that content on our social media pages, so don’t forget to follow us!
We’re doing everything that we can to make sure that every single woman that runs for municipal council in Northern Ontario has the tools she needs to make it happen.
Looking for something but don’t see it here? Let us know!